Showing Off

Katie has been showing off all the things she can do by herself. She got her own pajamas, did her own hair and is a pro at going to the bathroom on her own now. She likes to order Daddy and I around and has a strong opinion on how we should do things. 

BJ's outfit on Friday with True Tshirt, and new flip phone with holster: 

He has already gotten an award and is LOVED by everyone! He is participating in a basketball team too and we look forward to see him in action: 

Ray is a super helper at home, I don't know what I would do without him! He helped Katie do a lesson for Family Home Evening and is always willing to help with the laundry and dishes. 

With their help I got all that laundry folded and put away in just under 30 minutes!

Katie making a mess, but then careful cleaning rice crispy treat off her face.