Precious Time

These days, weeks, and months seem to speed by faster and faster each time I turn around. Every moment we have with Daddy is special and we miss him most on Mondays when he has to go back to work and we are at home, cleaning up after our fun weekends.


Katie is "writing" her name on things now!

This is my early Mother's Day present for keeping my little Bosai Tree alive for over a year now! It is even sprouting new leaves you can see poking up in the third picture!

He was so into the game that he didn't hear Ray and I screaming and throwing things;)

Katie helping us get ready for popcorn and a movie by mixing the Kool Aid! 


Someone shot an arrow into my waste basket! I wonder who it was?!?

Best loaf so far! 

My amount of relaxation during the weekend is in direct relation to the amount of dishes and housework I have Monday Morning: