Flowers, Family, and Friends

I picked matching Hyacinths for a good friend and I. Just over the last two weeks mine has gone from a jar that held the bulb to display the roots, to a vase and dirt I rigged to help support the now huge, fragrant flowers!

Much like the carefully balanced iPad on Katie's stroller, I enjoy the friendship and companionship of good friends and family:

It is safe to say that Ray and Katie are good friends, and it is a joy to see them growing up together!

We got more snow to enjoy:

Thankfully, the past few days have felt like spring and we've enjoyed time outside with our neighbors and friends. The weekend was so nice we had an outdoor BBQ at Grace and David's house! We had a wonderful time catching up with them and hanging out with Caleb and Hannah. 

Just yesterday the kids somehow convinced me that it was warm enough to have ice cream outside! 


Just two doors down live another family that home school.


Katie and their youngest Quinn are pretty much twins and about 2 months apart in age!

And just across our circle is another family we play basketball with. Chloe and Katie spent most of the Ray and Manson's game on Saturday hanging out together.