Starting out 2018 right with my love!!!

This year has been an eventful one with lots of change and adventure!
Aside from all the wonderful things we got to do this year,
I am amazed at how much we have changed this year. Katie is five now!
She started Ballet Lessons and Kindergarten this year and has
grown from my sweet little toddler to a sassy little lady with the mind
of her own. I can count on her to tell me what she thinks about everything.
She prefers to wear dresses and do her own hair. She is so kind
and thoughtful. It is fun to see her friend’s faces brighten when they
see her. I love being her Room Mom and it always amazes me how
much she is learning!
and thoughtful. It is fun to see her friend’s faces brighten when they
see her. I love being her Room Mom and it always amazes me how
much she is learning!
Ray is nine now! He started Piano Lessons, got braces, and started the
Fourth Grade! He’s become more athletic and has a real nac for golf!
He is extremely brave when it comes to trying new things and handles
heights much better than I do. He manages to kept up with the older kids
when it comes to Scouts and has made some excellent friends! He loves
Pokemon now more than ever and still has an active imagination.
He amazes me with his quick wit and will remind me about anything
that has to do with numbers, like how many hours and minutes till
his birthday!
He amazes me with his quick wit and will remind me about anything
that has to do with numbers, like how many hours and minutes till
his birthday!
Robert (BJ) runs pretty much everything at his office now, which means
more travel. Luckily, I got to take advantage of his points and go with him
to Europe to meet more of the people he works with. I am amazed by just
how much he does and how incredibly well he succeeds at it all!
His quick thinking and exceptional problem solving continues
to captivate me everyday! I couldn’t be happier with our wonderful life,
home, and year together! We look forward to enjoying a whole new year!
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